DSA Paperwork is a doubleshot ABS keycap set produced by Signature Plastics. The set was sold as part of a group buy on Trash Man's website in December 2020.
Initially intended as a sequel to GMK Paperwork, DSA Paperwork uses a very familiar color scheme with light and medium grays for the alphas and modifier keys along with several brightly colored accent keys inspired by highlighters. GMK Paperwork was produced with custom colors that were matched to Signature Plastics stock ABS colors which would have made it incredibly easy to have SP produce a perfectly matching set in any of their profiles.
Instead, Trash Man took the opportunity to revise the design of the keycaps to better match his vision for the original HuB Paperwork. The colors for some of the accent keys and their legends were replaced to increase the contrast of the legends. A lighter, warmer gray was substituted for the alphas, spacebars and modifier legends. The largest change, however, is a new set of custom icon legends created for all of the modifier keys.
DSA Paperwork was kitted to fit the majority of 40% keyboards that were available in late 2020. A total of 107 keys are included in the set. The change to uniform DSA profile, expansion of the number of included modifier keys, and addition of a full numrow greatly increase compatibility to include boards like V4N4G0N, Garbage Truck, and better support macropads like Roadkit. Using the new somewhat-abstract Trashcons legends on the modifiers allows for more flexible use of those keys and may alleviate legends compatibility concerns for some boards when compared to the classic Cherry icons on GMK Paperwork.
Color codes: GG, GLK, YCE, YW, VAT, VCJ, BFQ, BDG, RCJ, RDA, RCR